We certainly are lucky with our fall weather this year. Tee shirt temperature and nice rains. Blue skies and calliope leaf show.
Today's tasks:
- Empty eight bags of compost and topsoil into the new garlic bed (why does the soil height always go down in a raised bed?)
- Spread and turn under the new amendments. (Got to get s proper garden fork. Don't know where mine went. I leveled with the side of the shovel.)
- Planted 140 cloves of garlic. They filled the bed full.
- I labeled each row.
- Spread salt marsh hay, about 3-5 inches, as a mulch to protect the plants against freeze-thaws and drying out during the winter.
- I piled the rest of the salt marsh hay bale on other plants I'd like to winter-over without putting them under covers. I covered some broccoli, small red cabbage, kale and beets. I think the hay will give it a few extra degrees of weather protection in the event we don't have snow cover.
- I broke off a nice length of horse radish root to try out. Smells great. I grate it in vinegar so it lasts.
- Finally, I dug another section of my sweet potato bed. Lots of tubers. Just pretty scary looking with the surface grub and wire worm damage.